Woodlouse talking:
By nature I am shy and nervous but I don't want to pass up this opportunity to say something about myself so hi, here I am!
I'm small; never bigger than 2 cm. I have 7 pairs of legs and 14 feet. Luckily I don't wear socks, otherwise my Mum would keep knitting!
My dear mother. I was born alive from her belly. I was safe there in my own egg until it was my time. After that she carried me in her pouch for weeks. There, I was allowed to eat her poop by myself for the first weeks.
I got to stay with her until I was a big woodlouse. 😊
I'm not an insect. I'm related to crab, lobster and shrimp! Really!
There are 2000 species of mine but most live in the water. Living on land with gills is a challenge! I'm worried that I’ll dehydrate because within 2 hours I'll be dead. That's why we wake at night and I hide in a cool, humid and dark spot during the day to sleep. look outside. Lift something up. I bet you found us like this.
I'm really important to your garden. I'm a cleaner by profession. My life's work is helping digest things. Think of leaves or rotting wood. Yum! Can I stay for dinner?
When I'm done, then the next one is ready to digest it further - the worms. I'm actually a walking soil improver!
Many like to eat me; lizard, mouse, spiders. Even if nobody eats me, I usually only turn 2 years old.
I don’t like neatly clean up gardens because I can't find food there! If you think you can chase me away like this you're wrong. I should live in your garden. So if I can't find delicious food then I'll start eating plants. I don't like those at all, but I have to do something!
If I can make one wish, it would be for a little more mess in your garden. A mountain of rocks in the corner. A stack of wood that may perish. Not all lost leaves in the compost-bin please! I also want to be a good mother to my children. So you a little less and I'll clean up a little more. Shall we be friends? Then together we make the world a little bit better ′′
Signed Woodlouse
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